ABGT 600 (Mexico) Lineup

ABGT 600 (Mexico) Lineup

ABGT 600, or "Above & Beyond Group Therapy 600," is poised to make history in Mexico City's vibrant electronic dance music (EDM) scene. Hosted by the iconic trance trio Above & Beyond, this event commemorates the 600th episode of their esteemed radio show, Group Therapy. Set to electrify Mexico City on October 10, 2024, ABGT 600 promises a night of euphoric beats, unity, and celebration, with a lineup featuring some of the genre's most illustrious talents.

The Significance of ABGT

Above & Beyond, comprising Jono Grant, Tony McGuinness, and Paavo Siljamäki, have been stalwarts of the trance and progressive house genres for over two decades. Group Therapy, their weekly radio show, originally known as Trance Around The World, has evolved into a cherished institution for EDM aficionados worldwide. With its 600th episode, ABGT continues to serve as a beacon of quality music, community, and emotional connection.

Each centennial episode of ABGT is commemorated with a live event at a prestigious venue. This time, Mexico City's dynamic energy will serve as the backdrop for a night of sonic bliss and collective euphoria.

The Lineup

ABGT 600 boasts a lineup that showcases the diversity and talent synonymous with Above & Beyond's musical vision. From seasoned veterans to rising stars, each artist will contribute to the tapestry of sounds that define the EDM experience.

  1. Above & Beyond - The headlining act, Above & Beyond will command the stage with a performance that traverses their extensive repertoire. Known for their emotive melodies and uplifting anthems, the trio's set promises to be a highlight of the evening, resonating with fans on a profound level.
  2. Alex Sonata & TheRio - This dynamic duo's melodic trance compositions and infectious energy are sure to ignite the crowd, setting the stage for an unforgettable night of music and camaraderie.
  3. anamē - With their innovative soundscapes and emotive storytelling, anamē will captivate audiences with a performance that transcends genre boundaries and speaks directly to the soul.
  4. Genix - Renowned for his distinctive fusion of tech and trance, Genix will deliver a high-octane set that keeps the energy levels soaring throughout the night.
  5. HANA - Known for her ethereal vocals and mesmerizing productions, HANA will enchant audiences with a performance that invites them on a journey of self-discovery and introspection.
  6. Kasablanca - Blending elements of progressive house and techno, Kasablanca will deliver a set that pushes boundaries and challenges the status quo, leaving a lasting impression on all who attend.

The Experience

Taking place in Mexico City, a melting pot of culture, energy, and passion, ABGT 600 promises to be more than just a music event—it will be a transformative experience. The venue, yet to be announced, will serve as a canvas for an immersive audiovisual spectacle that transports attendees to another realm.

From the pulsating beats to the dazzling visuals, every element of ABGT 600 will be meticulously curated to create an atmosphere of unity and connection. As fans from all walks of life come together to celebrate their love for EDM, the spirit of Group Therapy will be palpable, reminding us of the power of music to unite and uplift.

ABGT 600 in Mexico City represents a milestone not only for Above & Beyond but also for the city's burgeoning EDM community. As fans eagerly anticipate this historic event, they are reminded of the enduring impact of music in bringing people together across borders and cultures. With its stellar lineup, immersive experience, and celebration of unity, ABGT 600 promises to be an unforgettable night that will resonate with attendees long after the final beat drops.

ABGT 600 (Mexico) Lineup